Holidays, Sevice Times, and Community News

Please note: Guests are always welcome at CCI, but we have been advised by local law enforcement to ask that if you are new to the community or just wish to attend, that you call ahead of time (number is at the bottom of the page) and make us aware of when we may expect you. We apologize for the inconvinience and for the fact that the times mandate this new rule.

This coming High Holiday Service will require tickets for non-members.

The cost is $70.00 per person and must be purchased in advance in order to be admitted into the building. As we will be having security again this year and will need a list for all coming into our building for the High Holiday Services. Please help us get the word out in advance.

To order tickets, please sent your check to CCI P.O. Box 1252, Green Bay, WI 54305-1252. Please include the following information: Name, address and phone number and email. Or email us at

Thank you



  • Friday, Nov. 15; Synagogue and Zoom, 7:00 PM
  • Lay Led
  • Saturday, Nov. 16, Synagogue and Zoom, 9:30 AM
  • Lay Led
  • Friday, December 6; Synagogue and Zoom, 7:00 PM
  • Saturday, December 7; Synagogue and Zoom, 9:30 AM

  • Friday, December 20; Synagogue and Zoom, 7:00 PM
  • Saturday, December 21; Synagogue and Zoom, 9:30 AM

  • Friday, January 10; Synagogue and Zoom, 7:00 PM
  • Saturday January 11; Synagogue and Zoom, 9:30 AM

  • Friday, January 24; Synagogue and Zoom, 7:00 PM
  • Saturday January 25; Synagogue and Zoom, 9:30 AM

    You can access Zoom through HERE

Please Note: Access to Zoom begins 15-30 minutes before the scheduled service time. If theere is an instance where Zoom is unavailable at the start of a sevice or goes offline during a service, it will not be reestablished out of respect for the service and observation. We apologize in advance for any issues - and we will try to work through any techncal issues in our protocols after your feedback.


Please note: Guests are always welcome at CCI, but we have been advised by local law enforcement to ask that if you are new to the community or just wish to attend, that you call ahead of time and make us aware of when to expect you. We apologize for the inconvinience and for the fact that the times mandate this new rule.

You can find our contact information below.


To visit us, or to ask about Membership call 920-437-4841.

Items for purchase from gift shop call 920-437-4841 to set up an appt.